© CHRISM 2019

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Please complete the Subscription Form and return it. The subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Payment of the annual subscription is a condition of membership of the association. The membership subscription supports the Journal and makes possible developments consistent with CHRISM's objectives. Should you wish to make an additional donation to further the work of CHRISM, it would be most welcome. The Annual Subscription is currently as follows:

Please contact the Treasurer for our bank details should you wish to set up a standing order with your bank.

If you are a UK taxpayer, it substantially increases CHRISM income if you ‘Gift Aid’ it. You can download a Gift Aid form by clicking here.

The Membership Incentive Scheme for members

Three things are true:

But MSEs are also very busy people (it goes with the calling), so your Committee thought that a little encouragement would be in order. We are therefore rolling out a Membership Incentive Scheme – anyone who recruits a new member will be rewarded with a £20 reduction on the cost of attending the next CHRISM Annual Conference or Reflective Weekend.  It's easy to get your discount. All you have to do is:

When they pay their first subscription, the Membership Secretary will send you a £20 voucher.

The (legible) small print:

How to join CHRISM